Please also find the information below in a more user friendly format as an attachment on our Publicity & Info page.
CSN has the following services. We take referrals from service users, carers, and professionals. Where carers and professionals make referrals we would ask that you first check with the service user(s) if they are happy for you to be making the referral to our advocacy service(s).
In-Patient Advocacy:
This is provided on Luther King, Rosa Parks, Eden, Florence & Nelson Wards, LEO (Lambeth Early Onset Unit), Tony Hillis Unit (THU) Wards at Lambeth Hospital & Greenvale Specialist Care Unit (older adults).
Contact: E-mail or call on +44(0) 20 3143 9000.
Forensic Advocacy:
(Forensic: is for people with mental health problems who have also committed a criminal offence, which may have been connected to their mental health problems. Alternatively, they may have developed mental health problems following imprisonment). This is provided at River House Medium Secure Unit, on Chaffinch Ward at Monks Orchard House at Bethlem Royal Hospital in Beckenham in Kent, at Peak Ward & Ward in the Community (at Lambeth Hospital) and for community forensic clients.
Contact: E-mail Gary Bailey, Cherry Pedler and Rebecca Reid Scott; or call on +44(0) 20 7274 4490.
Community Advocacy:
This is provided to people who have recently been discharged from section of the Mental Health Act 1983, as amended 2007. Our priorities are people who are detained in the community on Community Treatment Orders, also known as Supervised Community Treatment. All our advocacy services prioritise women, people who are new to advocacy or new to mental health services, those for whom English is not their first language and others with communication difficulties. We work primarily around your care and treatment and rights under the Mental Health Act so if your issues are not these, it is likely we will refer on to other services, for example specialist legal, benefits and housing advice services. Our community advocacy services are only available to Lambeth residents.
Contact: E-mail: or call on +44(0) 20 3143 9000.
If you have any comments, complaints or compliments then click here to download our feedback form and send it to us.